June 12, 2024

Workshop on responsible AI in business

presented by INO & Confiance IA

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What is trusted AI? How can it be implemented in Quebec’s industrial sphere? What are the issues?

Quebec is ranked 7th in the world in AI development.

In a world in constant motion, therefore, players in Quebec’s industrial sector benefit from integrating trusted AI not only to increase their productivity, but also to maintain their competitive edge.

In the context of the Confiance IA initiative, a Quebec-based consortium aimed at developing sustainable, ethical, secure, and responsible artificial intelligence, INO is organizing a dynamic event on the importance of such AI and how it can be applied in business.

This is the perfect opportunity to ask your questions!

June 12th, 2024, 10 a.m.
2740 Rue Einstein, Québec, (Qc), G1P 4N8

It's FREE!

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10 - 10:30 am : Arrival of participants

Presentation by Christian Gagné, PhD

To start the day, Christian Gagné, professor in science and engineering and director of the Institut Intelligence et Données (IID) at Université Laval, will discuss the practical implementation of AI in the industrial domain and its ethical, privacy, and social responsibility challenges.

Panel on AI Integration in Business

Following that, there will be a panel discussion of approximately one hour, moderated by Marie-Pierre Habas-Gerard, director of Confiance IA. The panel will explore the integration of ethical, secure, and responsible AI in businesses.

The participants in this panel include Marco Michele Sisto, responsible for AI technology at Eddyfi Technologies; Mathieu Moquin, president and senior advisor at Kinetik Solutions; Marc-Antoine Moisan, CEO of Ver-Mac; and Sylvio Laplante, technology development manager at ABB.

This promises to be an engaging discussion as the participants delve into the challenges and opportunities that AI brings to their respective companies.


After lunch, which will be provided, you will participate in one of two workshops, based on your preference:

  • What is ethical AI?
    • The goal of the Ethical AI workshop is to understand and identify what are the ethical aspects of an AI solution.

      For example, how to qualify the trust properties of a detection of cognitive biases and how to define a precision threshold of this detection or a confidence threshold concerning the chosen detection method?

  • What is robust AI?
    • The purpose of the robust AI workshop is to understand and identify the robustness aspects of an AI solution.

      For example, how can we qualify an AI that is supposedly performing well in a specific use case maintains its performance for another use case or in a situation of "stress" caused by outliers or erratic model behavior?

Networking Cocktail

Attendees are invited to a closing networking cocktail after the event.


Confiance IA is a pre-competitive industrial research consortium whose primary goal is to accelerate the adoption and industrialization of solutions and products introducing trusted AI. It aims to facilitate and accelerate the development and deployment of ethical, responsible, secure, and sustainable AI solutions. The activities of Confiance IA focus on the development of tools, methods, and best practices for the design, testing, validation, and monitoring of AI systems. The CRIM is a trustee of the Confiance IA program. For more details:

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