

Optics at the service of the environment

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The environmental sector faces many challenges, including the eco-responsible use of natural resources, detection of pollutants and understanding of climatic processes.

Optics-based technologies play an essential role in these applications by providing advanced detection, imaging and analysis capabilities. Optical sensors, Earth observation satellites and optical spectroscopy techniques enable the collection of accurate environmental data, contributing to better management and protection of our planet.

Your challenges

INO Aerospace Gas leak detection Icon

Gas leak detection

Does your leak detection and repair program suffer from a lack of real-time data? Read: Leak Detection and Repair
INO Environment Water contaminant detection Icon

Water contaminant detection

You need to measure solid particles in water. Read: How to Make Industrial Water Monitoring More Efficient
INO Aerospace Forest fire detection Icon

Forest fire detection

You need to detect fires before they get out of control. Read: Wildfire Monitoring: Tackling a Financial and Environmental Issue
INO Environment Airborne contaminant detection Icon

Airborne contaminant detection

You need to quickly detect pollutant leaks. Read: Measuring Air Quality to Better Understand Its Impact
INO Environment Ground surface temperature Icon

Ocean and ground surface temperature measurement

INO Aerospace Forest fire detection Icon

Remote detection and monitoring

Technological advances make it possible to monitor localized and fugitive events, map remote and inhospitable regions and track the movements of people or objects in real time. Learn more

Main Applications

INO Services Environment Monitoring air, water and soil quality Thumbnail

Monitoring air, water and soil quality

Monitoring air, water and soil quality presents complex challenges, such as accurate pollutant detection and real-time data collection. Optics plays an essential role in providing advanced technologies, including spectroscopic sensors and remote sensing systems, that enable continuous and accurate environmental monitoring and help assess and preserve the environment’s quality when exploiting our natural resources.

To learn more, read the blog article: Measuring air quality to better understand its impact.

INO Services Environment Monitoring forest fires Thumbnail

Monitoring forest fires

Monitoring forest fires presents challenges concerning early detection, precise localization and real-time monitoring. Optics play a crucial role in providing technologies, such as infrared cameras and optical detection systems, that monitor forest fires effectively and enable rapid intervention to minimize environmental damage and risks to people.

To learn more, read the blog article: Wildfire monitoring: Tackling a financial and environmental issue.

INO Services Environment Detecting heat islands Thumbnail

Detecting heat islands

Detecting urban heat islands presents challenges, such as accurately identifying the areas concerned and collecting real-time data. Optic plays a key role in providing advanced technologies, including thermal satellite images and infrared cameras, that enable accurate detection of urban heat islands and an in-depth understanding of their distribution, thus helping to develop effective mitigation strategies.

Our customer testimonials

See what INO customers have to say about our services and solutions.

INO was instrumental in launching Flyscan, which today offers the most effective solution to ensure the safety of the North American pipeline system.

Éric Bergeron, Founder and CEO Flyscan

Machinex’s project to develop optical sorters for the recycling industry was a significant challenge that required several years of work. INO helped us accelerate the development process, and their experts enabled us to find solutions to challenges we faced more quickly.

Pierre Paré, President and CEO Groupe Machinex

Thanks to INO we’ve been able to develop a new part inspection system. When these parts leave our plant, there are no imperfections. We’re talking zero-defect. A remarkable feat !

Richard Guimont, President Liberty Spring

Our solutions

Custom-made solutions

We find the best solutions for your business to be more productive and competitive. In addition of our R&D services, we also have solutions, tailored to your specific needs.

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Trace-scanning Lidar for 3D aerosol and dust mapping.

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