
Natural resources

Optics at the service of the natural resources industry

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The natural resources industry faces major challenges such as mineral exploration, water resource management and environmental monitoring.

Optics-based technologies play a key role in these applications by providing advanced detection, imaging and analysis solutions. From optical sensors for detecting minerals to remote sensing systems for monitoring environmental change, optics enable more accurate natural resource exploration and sustainable management, helping to preserve our planet and ensure responsible resource use.

Your challenges

INO Natural resources Mineral detection Icon

Mineral detection

INO Aerospace Navigation systems Icon

Autonomous vehicle guidance

INO Natural resources Water management Icon

Water management

INO Natural resources Tree maturity level assessment Icon

Tree maturity level assessment

INO Natural resources Environmental monitoring Icon

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring gas emissions and fugitive dust emissions from your operations
INO Aerospace Earth observation Icon

Remote detection and monitoring

Technological advances make it possible to monitor localized and fugitive events, map remote and inhospitable regions and track the movements of people or objects in real time. Learn more

Main Applications

INO Services Natural resources Mineral deposit detection Thumbnail

Mineral deposit detection

Mineral deposit detection presents challenges such as deep exploration, accurate mapping and mineral differentiation. Optics plays a key role in providing advanced technologies, such as hyperspectral imaging systems and optical sensors, by accurately identifying minerals, mapping deposits and optimizing mining exploration for more efficient mineral resource exploitation.

INO Services Natural resources Forest fire detection Thumbnail

Forest fire detection

Forest fire detection presents challenges such as early detection, accurate localization and real-time monitoring. Optics plays a key role in providing advanced technologies, such as thermal imaging cameras and optical detection systems, by effectively monitoring forest fires, enabling rapid intervention and prevention of environmental damage and risks to people.

To learn more, read the blog article: Wildfire monitoring: Tackling a financial and environmental issue.

INO Services Natural resources Fugitive dust monitoring Thumbnail

Fugitive dust monitoring

Increasingly stringent regulations, air quality control and public pressure are adding to the complexity of extraction, production and handling operations. Optics plays a key role in providing detection technologies.

To learn more, read the Rio Tinto case study Respect for the Environment Through Optics and Photonics.

Our customer testimonials

See what INO customers have to say about our services and solutions.

INO was instrumental in launching Flyscan, which today offers the most effective solution to ensure the safety of the North American pipeline system.

- Éric Bergeron, Founder and CEO, Flyscan

Our solutions

Custom-made solutions

We find the best solutions for your business to be more productive and competitive. In addition of our R&D services, we also have solutions, tailored to your specific needs.

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