June 13, 2019

The French Ordre des Palmes académiques awarded to the Chair of the INO R&D Advisory Committee, Richard Boudreault

Mr. Richard Boudreault, Chair of the INO R&D Advisory Committee, was named Knight of the Ordre des Palmes académiques by Mr. Tomas Macek, the Deputy Consul General, Cultural Counsellor for the Consulate General of France in the city of Québec, during a ceremony held at INO.


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This distinction honours Mr. Boudreault’s resolute commitment to innovation and development, entrepreneurship, corporate governance and the academic world. His impressive career and ties with France illustrate his outstanding contribution to education and the promotion of knowledge.

Today, in granting this distinction, France recognizes Mr. Richard Boudreault’s remarkable work and his valuable contribution to the advancement of knowledge and the development of academia and research, both in France and Canada.

- The Deputy Consul General, Consultate General of France in the city of Québec

For Alain Chandonnet, CEO at INO, Mr. Boudreault’s connections with INO go back more than 25 years and have led to the development of numerous innovations for various markets.

As a serial entrepreneur, Mr. Boudreault perfectly represents INO’s mission; just like us, he brings innovation to life by applying lab technologies within various industries, never hesitating to create new businesses to allow the innovations to thrive and to meet the markets’ needs.

- Alain Chandonnet, INO CEO

Mr. Boudreault also recently received the prestigious Professional Career Achievement Award of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) for his entire body of work. EMBS recognized Mr. Boudreault’s outstanding career, referring in particular to two technologies developed in partnership with INO, namely the first laser-optical mammography system and a molecular imager. Mr. Boudreault will officially receive his award in July at the EMBS Conference.

About INO

INO is the largest centre of expertise in optics and photonics in Canada. For 30 years, it has been creating and developing customized solutions to meet the needs of companies in Quebec and throughout Canada in various sectors of activity. A leader in high technology, INO has implemented more than 6,500 solutions, carried out 72 technology transfers, and contributed to the creation of 34 new companies, which employ more than 2,000 people. INO’s activities are made possible thanks to ongoing support from the Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation and from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.



For more information

Mélanie Belzile Communications Manager, INO 418-655-4648
