
André Fougères

VP, Chief Technology Officer

André Fougères

André Fougères received his Bachelor of Physics from the Université de Montréal in 1988 and his Master’s and Doctorate from Rochester University (New York State) in 1990 and 1994, respectively. His post-graduate studies, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada “Génie ’67” scholarship, focused on quantum and nonlinear optics.

In the summer of 1994, he joined the laser system technology group at INO as a post-doctoral scholar. He left his management position in active sensing technology in 1999 to join EXFO as Senior Product Manager for the Scientific Division at the head office in Quebec City, then in Geneva, Switzerland, at the Gap Optique SA subsidiary.

Returning to INO in January 2005, Mr. Fougères’ activities as program manager focused on business and technology development. Since March 2008, he has also acted as Director responsible for program management.

In September 2011, André joined INO’s management team where he now serves as Chief Technology Officer.

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