
Denis Faubert, Ph.D.

Research, Development and Innovation Consultant

Member of the board of directors since 2011

Denis Faubert

Denis Faubert holds a doctorate in laser physics from Laval University and has spent his career working mainly in applied research institutions. Most notably, he was Senior Director of the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ). He held the position of Director General of the Valcartier Research Centre within the Research and Development Agency of the Canadian Department of National Defence, in addition to that of Director General of the National Research Program in Ottawa. He also headed up the CRIAQ Consortia for collaborative industrial research in Quebec and CARIC in Canada before becoming part of the artificial intelligence supercluster, ScaleAI. He is now a consultant in research and innovation for public and academic institutions.

He is engaged at a high level in the aerospace and cross-sector innovation community. Mr. Faubert sits on several committees, notably the boards of directors of the Institut National d’Optique (INO) and the Île-du-savoir non-profit organization in Montreal. 

Denis Faubert has received several awards, including the prestigious Centennial Scholarship from the National Research Council of Canada, the Deputy Minister of Defence Prize for Innovation, and the Summa-Carrière Prize from the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Laval University.
