
Marie-Claude Côté

VP, Development and Engineering

Marie Claude Côté

Marie-Claude Côté has been INO’s Vice President of Development and Engineering since October 2022. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Université Laval and a master’s degree in artificial intelligence applied to robotic operations. She has over 25 years of experience in product and application development with a strong involvement in client relations.

She began her career as an optomechanical designer at EXFO, which led her to project and team management. After a stay in the United States to develop an automation axis for EXFO, she returned to Québec to join CRIQ, where she managed the project office and the internal research program and oversaw business development and partnerships. She also worked for TELUS Cybersecurity, including managing security products and the development of software solutions based on agile principles.

She is a certified PMP (Project Management Professional) and NPDP (New Product Development Professional) and is trained in integrated risk management.

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