
An Intelligent Vision System for Guiding Harvesting Robots in the Fields

How Lapalme Groupe Conception Mécanique developed a robot to automate broccoli harvesting.

INO Case Study Lapalme Conception Mécanique

As the labour shortage impacts the agricultural world more than ever, the automation of activities is proving to be an efficient way to ensure the productivity and competitiveness of companies in the sector and contributing to our food autonomy.

Lapalme Conception Mécanique, in collaboration with INO, Centris and le Centre de robotique et de vision industrielle (CRVI), developed an intelligent robot to automate the harvesting of broccoli in the field.

Read this case study to learn more about :

  • the collaboration between INO, Lapalme and the other organizations involved;
  • the challenges faced;
  • the solution developed together;
  • the outcome.

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