
IntelliDAR™ - Intelligent Video-Based Detection and Range Processing System

Client: Searidge Technologies Inc.

INO Case Study Searidge Technologies Inc.

The safety and seamlessness of air traffic control and airport operations have become critical issues for the aviation industry worldwide.

Searidge Technologies Inc. is a provider of mission critical technology solutions and services in support of air traffic control and airport operations. Searidge is the market leader in the deployment of stand-alone systems using camera sensors and video analytics in an air traffic control tower for the purpose of airport surface surveillance and control. After two years of close collaboration, INO and Searidge Technologies Inc. have signed a non-transferable worldwide license agreement granting full use of the technologies developed by us, and to which we and Searidge now jointly hold rights. We have developed technologies designed to improve the performance of IntelliDAR™, an innovative technology belonging to Searidge Technologies Inc

IntelliDAR™ is an enabling technology platform that is in use in multiple ATC and airport operations applications. It can be configured for a wide range of solutions such as airport surface detection, hot spot and blind spot coverage, and the enhancement of existing surface surveillance technology, as well as apron management, wildlife control, and automated weather sector visibility assessment.

Specifically, the airport surface detection solution combines digital camera sensors with intelligent video data analytics to provide continuous detection, tracking, and positional references of all targets moving on the airport surface, including runways, taxiways and critical intersections or hotspots, and areas that may otherwise be invisible to the air traffic control tower due to physical obstructions. The target output of the system is a "radar track," which feeds directly into the air traffic control tower. Target information can also be merged with other ASTERIX-compliant surveillance and control systems.
