
Laser Road Imaging System (LRIS)

Client: Systèmes Pavemetrics inc.

INO Case Study Systèmes Pavemetrics inc.

We developed a laser imaging system to increase the contrast and visibility of small longitudinal and lateral road cracks. The LRIS system can operate day and night and is unaffected by variations in outside lighting conditions and shadows cast by roadside objects, viaducts, and the inspection vehicle itself.

The laser road imaging system is composed of two high-resolution line scan cameras and two laser lighting that are configured to fully image transverse road sections up to 4 m wide with 0,5 mm (8K model) or1 mm (4K model) resolution at speeds of over 100 km/h. Analysis of the compiled data makes it possible to take action to prevent the deterioration of certain roads.

The laser-camera configuration increases the visibility of even the smallest cracks by using the incident illumination angle of the laser to cause the cracks to project shadows, which greatly increases the image contrast. This system is very compact, easy to use, and requires very little power. It is currently used by dozens of departments of transportation all over the world.

For the domain of inspection of transportation's infrastructures, our exclusive client for the LRIS is Pavemetrics Systems inc
