
Successful Spin-Off Company

Client: Pavemetrics

INO Case Study Pavemetrics

The mobility of goods and people is a key issue in the 21st century ; the vitality of our economy largely depends on it. For that reason, it is essential that transportation infrastructure be developed and maintained properly.

Against that backdrop, Pavemetrics, an INO spin-off company, has developed rapid 3D inspection solutions using laser triangulation. The measurements gathered are highly accurate and can be used for structures such as roads, railways, tunnels and airport tarmacs. For example, the company’s flagship product (laser crack measurement system/LCMS) is used to examine and monitor road surface conditions at speeds of up to 100km/h without impeding traffic. Laterally, the system can capture one point every millimetre and longitudinally every five millimetres.

Thanks to these measurements, road conditions can be determined using automated analytical software. With this information in hand, maintenance decisions are facilitated (roadwork planning, prioritization and optimization).

The company’s success stems from product innovation, enabling it to maintain its leadership position and diversify its offer. Staying true to its unique spirit of innovation and to meet ever-growing market needs, Pavemetrics sought to develop a new generation of sensors, which perform better and are more accurate.

Once again, Pavemetrics collaborated with INO to develop this new technology. The main objective was to increase the acquisition frequency fivefold in order to capture one point every millimetre longitudinally. In addition, a more powerful laser line projector was developed and inertial sensors (e.g. accelerometers and gyroscopes) were added.

INO’s varied expertise was used to develop this new sensor throughout the various steps in the process, from design and production to technology validation and certification.

INO’s team of researchers takes great pride in the success of Pavemetrics, which has grown steadily since it was created in 2009. The company’s products are available internationally and have helped to promote its optics expertise around the world. The INO team also takes great pleasure in contributing to this success by developing new generations of sensors.

Under one roof at INO, Pavemetrics found everything itn needed to develop the hardware for its new LCMS-2.
