Optics-based Inspection for Medical Devices

From sterility control, through product conformity, to closed container integrity. 

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Optics-based Inspection for Medical Devices

Whether manufacturing a diagnostic instrument, an implantable, a treatment device or even a disposable, Quality Assurance is a critical aspect for any medical device manufacturer.  

Replacement of visual inspections by machine vision, or other inspection methods is ongoing to remove subjectivity, provide traceability and improve efficiency of inspections. Optical based inspection, however, is becoming increasingly sophisticated, permitting inspections to go beyond what can be provided using traditional methods. 

In this reference guide, we present how inspection is going beyond simple visible lighting to create contrast, making use of 3D, polarization, Raman scattering, fluorescence, different bands of light from UV to THz to go beyond what traditional inspection can ‘see’. 

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