How optics can help solve post pandemic health industry challenges

The world continue to address the challenges brought into focus by COVID-19.  Watch this webinar to better understand how INO is using optics and photonics to address post-pandemic challenges head on.

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Webinar: How optics can help solve post pandemic health industry challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves around the entire world. This situation has brought into focus the challenges now faced worldwide. As the economy begins to recover, we are exploring through real-world applications how optics & photonics address post-pandemic challenges head on.

In this webinar, Suzie Dufour will present industry driven data and discuss how optics help solve health industry challenges and the advancements made possible for the healthcare industry.

Key takeaways:

  • Large throughput health screening
  • Optical tools for transitioning to telemedicine
  • Optical tools to improve pharmaceutical and medical devices autonomy
  • Lower pathogens transmission probability (UV light and aerosol sensors)

Technical level



Suzie Dufour

Suzie Durfour, Solutions Manager, INO

Dominique Conti

Dominique Conti, Marketing and Business Intelligence Manager, INO

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