Using “See Through” Technology to Improve Quality Control in Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industries

In the highly regulated world of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, product and packaging defects pose significant risks, from compromising patient safety to tarnishing brand reputation. Watch this webinar to discover the role optics-based technologies play in the inspection and identification of defects in medical device and pharmaceutical products and packaging.

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Webinar: Using “See Through” Technology to Improve Quality Control in Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industries

Discover the role optics-based technologies play in the inspection and identification of defects in medical device and pharmaceutical products and packaging. During this webinar, Suzie Dufour, Technical Director for our BioMedTech team, will answer the following question

  1. Why is it important to care about defects? 
  2. Can defects be found in opaque materials? 
  3. How can infrared imaging help assure the quality of products and packaging? 

In the highly regulated world of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, product and packaging defects pose significant risks, from compromising patient safety to tarnishing brand reputation. Innovative technologies are going beyond superficial inspection methods to reveal defects that would otherwise remain undetectable to the human eye and conventional vision systems.  

Technical level


Suzie Dufour, Technical Director, BioMedTech

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